1.0 - first version 1.01 fixed: - auto decreasing font size if screen resolution too small - corrected checking size of minimal width routine (width of vertical scrollbar was ommited) 1.02 fixed: - no flickering when machinecode font is used for displaying :) - no leading zeros required in "Goto Address" dialogbox anymore :) - added posibility to edit file directly in main window (in binary view - keyboard buttons or alt+xxx, where xxx-key code (for 00h value type alt+256); in hex view 0-9 and A-F keys) - added "paste" (Ctrl+V) posibility for ascii edit field in Find and Replace dialog boxes - extended replace procedure (yes/no/cancel) - fixed one minor bug (SB_THUMBPOS/SB_THUMBTRACK "conflict") - added conversion of filename parameter to full pathname, in case parameter was typed in command prompt and is relative path. 1.03 fixed: - added Ctrl+0 and Ctrl+Numpad0 shortcuts to place "00h" character directly while in machine code view - changed procedure of direct modifying byte in hexcode view, so now changing first digit won't zero second digit anymore. - got rid of flickering when using mousewheel to scroll while in machine code view - while scrolling one line down or up (by pressing scrollbar's arrows or using mousewheel) caret remains at the same character as long as it is visible on screen 1.04 fixed: - one serious bug in replace procedure (when searching sequence was on border of two blocks procedure would write 1 byte behind data buffer) 1.05 improved: - sounds are not played on different threads anymore, instead SND_ASYNC is used - fading about dialogbox 2 is performed using AnimateWindow if system version >=5.0 - about dialogboxes use mbm file format instead of bmp so pictures blend to dialog background - served WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE to dynamically apply color and size changes in all child windows when system color scheme is changed 1.06 fixed: - one serious bug in replace procedure (when searching sequence was on border of two segments) improved: - if "replace all" option is checked in Replace dialog, a dialog box saying "Part of the file was modified. Save changes?" will appear only once now, during first segment switch (selecting Yes will be equivalent to yes to all, selecting No will cancel replacing). 1.07 fixed: - one bug in searching procedure (procedure was likely to fail if searching sequence was on border of two blocks) 1.08 fixed: - fixed backward compatibility issue when displaying open file dialog with so it works also on older operating systems (win9x and NT lesser than 5.0) - got rid of flickering in machine code view when using "PageUp" button! improved: - checking and enforcing minimum window size is done now on WM_GETMINMAXINFO not on WM_SIZE - saving file when chosen "Save" is done now regardless of "file modified" flag value, to work in case edited file has been modified by external editor 1.09 added: - ScrollLock support :) 1.09a fixed - one bug which would crash the application in case it was minimized and colorscheme changed occured during that time. 1.13 - added support for modern UI - improved about dialog box 1.15 - modified entire text engine - added third type of view for text documents (use F4 to toggle views) 1.16 - fixed "About" dialog box procedures for Windows Vista - fixed installer issue on Windows Vista 1.18 - modified text engine again (simplified it) - above fixed few bugs introduced in version 1.15